Financial information
Annual Report
Quaterly Financial Results
Outcome of Board Meeting
Board Meeting
Disclosure as per SEBI (PIT) Regulation 2015
Disclosure as per SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015
Shareholding Patterns
Annual Report
Quaterly Financial Results
Outcome of Board Meeting
Board Meeting
Disclosure as per SEBI (PIT) Regulation 2015
Disclosure as per SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015
- Non Applicability_Large Entity
- Reg 40(9) LODR_31.03.2024
- Reconcillation of share capital_31.03.2024
- CGR_Non Applicability_31.03.2024
- Intimation Letter Reg 7(3)_31.03.2024
- Reg. 74(5)_31.03.2024
- Newspaper Advertisement_Financials_31.12.2023
- Reconciliation of share capital_31.12.2023
- CGR_Non Applicability_31.12.2023
- Reg. 74(5)_31.12.2023
- Non Applicability Certificate_RPT_30.09.2023
- Reconciliation of share capital_30.09.2023
- CGR Non Applicability_30.09.2023
- Reg. 74(5)_30.09.2023
- Form_MGT_7_31.03.2023
- Draft_Form_MGT_7_31.03.2023
- Scrutinizer Report_39th AGM
- Reg 44_Voting Results_39th AGM
- AGM Proceedings_39th AGM
- Newspaper Advertisement AGM_28.08.2023
- Intimation for Book Closure AGM_28.08.2023
- Newspaper Advertisement_Financials_30.06.2023
- CGR Non Applicability_30.06.2023
- Reconciliation of share capital_30.06.2023
- Reg. 74(5)_30.06.2023
Annual Report
Quaterly Financial Results
Outcome of Board Meeting
Board Meeting
Disclosure as per SEBI (PIT) Regulation 2015
Disclosure as per SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015
- Extension of AGM_01102022
- Intimation of Book closure_25112022
- Newsaper publication under Regulation 47_08062022
- Newsaper publication under Regulation 47_13082022
- Newsaper publication under Regulation 47_14022023
- Newsaper publication under Regulation 47_16112022
- PCS Certificate under regulation_11042022
- RTA Compliance certificate_7(3)_07042022
- RTA Compliance certificate_74(5) DP Regulation_07042022
- RTA Compliance certificate_74(5)_DP Regulation_08102022
- RTA Compliance certificate_74(5)_DP Regulation_12072022
- RTA Compliance certificate_74(5)_DP Regulation_13012023
Shareholding Patterns
Annual Report
Quaterly Financial Results
Outcome of Board Meeting
Board Meeting
Disclosure as per SEBI (PIT) Regulation 2015
Disclosure as per SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015
- Book closure_04092021
- Delisting proposal_06082021
- Delisting withdrawl letter_26082021
- Newsaper publication for AGM Notice under Regulation 47_07092021
- Newsaper publication under Regulation 47_02072021
- Newsaper publication under Regulation 47_14022022
- Newsaper publication under Regulation 47_14082021
- Newsaper publication under Regulation 47_15112021
- PCS Certificate 40(9)_17042021
- RTA Certificate_7(3)_13042021
- RTA Compliance certificate_74(5)_DP Regulation_09102021
- RTA Compliance certificate_74(5)_DP Regulation_10012022
- RTA Compliance certificate_74(5)_DP Regulation_12072021
- RTA Compliance certificate_74(5)_DP Regulation_13042021
Shareholding Patterns
Annual Report
Quaterly Financial Results
Outcome of Board Meeting
Board Meeting
Disclosure as per SEBI (PIT) Regulation 2015
Disclosure as per SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015
- Book Closure_14112020
- Disclosure 10(5) under SEBI Takeover Code_06072020
- Disclosure 10(5) under Takeover Code_06072020
- Disclosure 10(6) under Takeover Code_15092020
- Disclosure 10(7) under Takeover Code_25092020
- Disclosure 29(2) under SEBI Takeover Code_15092020
- Disclosure 29(2) under Takeover Code_15092020
- Disclosure 29(2) under Takeover Code_22032021
- Disclosure under Regulation 30_22072020
- Disclosure under Regulation 30_23122020
- Disclosure under Regulation 30_31082020
- Disclosure under Regulation 30_Change in RTA_28082020
- Extension of AGM_29082020
- Newsaper publication under Regulation 47_13022021
- PCS Certificate 40(9)_11052020
- PCS Certificate 40(9)_14102020
- Pre Intimation BM_Newsaper publication_02022021
- RTA Certificate_7(3)_14102020
- RTA Certificate_7(3)_15112020
- RTA Compliance certificate_74(5)_DP Regulation_09072020
- RTA Compliance certificate_74(5)_DP Regulation_22012021
Shareholding Patterns
Annual Report
Quaterly Financial Results
Outcome of Board Meeting
Board Meeting
Disclosure as per SEBI (PIT) Regulation 2015
Disclosure as per SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015
- Book closure_14082019
- Disclosure 10(5)_Premchand Goyal under Takeover Code_18022020
- Disclosure 10(5)_Sunil Kumar Goyal under Takeover Code_18022020
- Disclosure 10(6) by Prem Chand Goyal under Takeover Code_25022020
- Disclosure 10(6) by Sunil Kumar Goyal under Takeover Code_25022020
- Disclosure 29(2) by Premchand Goyal HUF under Takeover Code_25022020
- Disclosure 29(2) by Premchand Goyal under Takeover Code_25022020
- Disclosure 29(2) by Sunil Kumar Goyal under Takeover Code_25022020
- Disclosure 29(2) by Vinay Kumar Goyal under Takeover Code_03012020
- Disclosure 29(2) by Vinay Kumar Goyal under Takeover Code_24042019
- Disclosure 29(2) by Vinay Kumar Goyal under Takeover Code_27082019
- Disclosure by Vinay Kumar Goyal under regulation 29(2) _03042019
- EGM Outcome_07022020
- Intimation pursuant to regulation 30 and regulation 8(2) of PIT 2015_24042019
- Large Corporate Disclosure_27042019
- Newsaper publication under Regulation 47_13022021
- PCS Certificate 40(9)_12042019
- PCS Certificate 40(9)_15102019
- Revised Disclosure 10(5)_Premchand Goyal under Takeover Code_26022020
- Revised Disclosure 10(5)_Sunil Goyal under Takeover Code_26022020
- RTA Certificate_7(3)_12042019
- RTA Certificate_7(3)_15102019
- RTA Compliance certificate_74(5)_DP Regulation_22012021
Shareholding Patterns
Annual Report
Quaterly Financial Results
Outcome of Board Meeting
Board Meeting
Disclosure as per SEBI (PIT) Regulation 2015
Disclosure as per SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015
Shareholding Patterns
Annual Report
Quaterly Financial Results
Outcome of Board Meeting
Board Meeting
Disclosure as per SEBI (PIT) Regulation 2015
Disclosure as per SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015
- Annoucement Regulation 30_Cessation of ID
- Compliance Certificate till 30092017
- Compliance Certificate till 31032017
- PCS Certification_Regulation 40(9)_1
- PCS Certification_Regulation 40(9)_2
- Scrutinizer Report_33rd AGM
- Statement Investors Complaint_30062017
- Statement Investors Complaint_30092017
- Statement Investors Complaint_31032017
- Statement Investors Complaint_31122017